Works related to the road infrastructure and access in the Constanța Port
Beneficiar: The “Seaport Management” National Company S.A.
Country: România
Finanțare: Government of Romania
Bridge length: 362 m
Viaducts : 544,82 m
Services provided:
Technical Desifn, Working Drawings, Technical Assistance
Project description:
The bridge over the Danube – Black Sea Canal, from Agigea, km 0+540, is located at the confluence of the canal with the Black Sea, in the Constanța seaport area. The bridge provides the connection between the North and South areas of the port, currently separated by the Danube – Black Sea Canal.
Cable-stayed bridge, provided with three spans, of 81.40 m + 200.00 m + 81.40 m
Design speed: 80 km/h