Căderea Bastiliei nr. 65

București, România


+4 021 316 4018



Construction Supervision

In the field of Works Supervision, we provide the following types of services:
  • Assistance to the Beneficiary with the procurement services:
    • preparation of the tender documents for acquisition of the construction works
    • participation in the Contractor’s process of selection by preparing the evaluation reports
    • assistance to the Beneficiary in negotiating and concluding the contract with the winning Bidder
  • Services of supervision of the execution of works from the qualitative, quantitative and financial point of view
  • Post execution services
    • preparation of the Technical Book of Construction
    • works over time follow-up during the warranty period
    • preparation of the maintenance manuals 

+4 021 316 4018




Căderea Bastiliei nr. 65
București România

Despre noi

Avem o structură interdisciplinară care ne permite sa livrăm proiecte complexe, prin utilizarea în mod  integrat a capabilităților diferite ale profesioniștilor noștri.

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