SEARCH CORPORATION is based on an organizational concept that efficiently combines the technical ability of the employees with the modern management techniques. The efficiency of this concept is reflected in the performance aimed at quality, cost and completion of projects in an efficient time.

Planners • Engineers • Consultants
The Quality System of SEARCH CORPORATION is the operating platform constituting the basis of our company’s management and it is appropriate to the Standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015.
Since 1998, SEARCH CORPORATION benefits from a certified quality management system, which operates according to the highest international standards. Thus, in 2004, SEARCH CORPORATION was awarded by the Romanian Foundation for Quality J.M. Juran, with the „Trophy for Excellence in Management” – the highest national award, handed over by the President of Romania.
The quality management system of SEARCH CORPORATION reflects the company’s policy in the field of quality and it is described by written documents, appropriate to the activities carried out within the company, approved by the management team and known and applied by the employees. These quality management system documents (manual, procedures) establish clear tasks for each employee and at the same time ensure consistency of responsibilities on hierarchical line.
The result of implementing this Quality Management System can be summarized in:
- the existence of a clear quality policy
- gaining the trust of both the internal and external clients
- Creating a culture for quality among the employees at all the operational levels.
To improve quality, SEARCH CORPORATION SRL acts in the following directions:
- Monitoring the quality of projects
- Permanent training of the employees
- Use of the newest design programs in the field
- Improving the communication between departments